2015 Q4 LIFE@reliance Newsletter
Reliance supports veteran Brian D’Apice - nephew of Infra-Metals’ Ron Demski - as he rides solo around the country to raise money and awareness for some worthy charities. Bicycle Around America!
Winter is Coming! Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention at Work and at Home Slips, trips and falls are a major cause of workplace injuries. Unsafe conditions and behaviors, along with lack of safety awareness, can lead to these type of accidents.
SLIPS, TRIPS, AND FALLS on the same level are the SECOND LEADING CAUSE of injury (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
25,000 SLIP, TRIP, AND FALL ACCIDENTS occur daily in the US (National Safety Council)
ACCOUNT FOR 15% OF ALL ACCIDENTS (National Safety Council)
Although it may not feel like it yet at some of our locations, winter is coming! Injuries involving slips, trips and falls always spike in the winter when walking and working surfaces are at an increased chance of freezing or being covered in ice. Here are a few tips to keep you on your feet while walking at the office or at home during the winter: Create Good Housekeeping Practices • Keep walking surfaces clear and free of clutter • Beware of tracking snow, ice and water onto surfaces that become especially slippery • Ensure adequate lighting is available in slippery areas Cultivate Safe Habits • Give yourself sufficient time- DON’T RUSH • Always use handrails when available and be sure to plant your feet firmly on each step • Try not to carry too much so your arms and hands are free • Wear appropriate shoes/work boots
350 South Grand Avenue Suite 5100 Los Angeles, CA 90071 www.rsac.com
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