2015 Q4 LIFE@reliance Newsletter
It’s a Win-Win with Wellness At Reliance we believe that one win leads to another: individuals win when they choose a healthy lifestyle, and we all win when our employees and their families are stronger, happier, and healthier. For 2016, we are expanding our wellness @reliance program to make wellness a team sport. That means more coaching programs, group activities, and spouses/ domestic partners enrolled in a Reliance Rewards medical plan can now participate in many of our wellness activities. WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN 2016: • Required Activity Deadline: December 31, 2015. In order to be eligible for the 2017 wellness incentive, you must complete a Mini Wellness Questionnaire and the results of your Biometric Screening must be received by Accountable Health Solutions (AHS) by December 31, 2015.
• New Mini Wellness Questionnaire! Our updated Wellness Questionnaire is now only 10 questions long! It will still give you great insight into your health habits and your answers will also be combined with your Biometric Screening results to create your Personal Wellness Report. But now you can complete it in less than 10 minutes. • Onsite Health Educator for Biometric Screenings! Knowing your health numbers is good, knowing what to do with them is even better. A Health Educator will be available to employees and spouses/domestic partners at all onsite screenings. Together, you will review your results and set up an action plan to help you improve your health numbers. Your consult and action plan will be completely confidential and free. • Weight Management Program! If you or your spouse/domestic partner are looking to lose a few pounds, this is the perfect fit. This is a free voluntary program of 10 sessions (four with a health coach and six with a weight management coach). • Spouses/Domestic Partners Can Participate! Starting this year, spouses/domestic partners enrolled in a Reliance Rewards medical plan are invited to participate in the NEW Mini Wellness Questionnaire, Biometric Screenings,
the Tobacco Cessation program and the Weight Management program!* Check RELIANCEroots for more information about the 2016 program year. *Spouse/domestic partner activities do not count toward the 2017 wellness incentive.
We all know that nutrition is a vital part of your day-to-day health, but your diet affects way more than just your waistline. How you eat impacts your finances, your ability to process stress, your energy and performance levels, and it can even affect how long you live. With approximately 80% of the Reliance population being overweight or obese, nutrition is clearly an area where we need to raise awareness, motivate behavior change, and improve outcomes. That’s why Reliance is stepping up to the plate in 2016. We’re dedicating the next twelve months to understanding and improving nutrition. Throughout the year, we’ll focus on a different aspect of nutrition including its impact on our financial, social, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Introducing the Q3 Wellness Theme: Step Up to the Plate for 2016
Coming in November: Well Bingo!
In November, wellness@reliance is hosting the Well Bingo challenge. Participants will complete wellness activities listed in the squares on a Well Bingo Card. The objective is to complete a horizontal or vertical line of squares – a BINGO! Employees who earn at least one bingo and submit their Well Bingo card will receive 5 Wellness Credits, plus they will be eligible to win additional prizes. Be on the lookout and check RELIANCEroots for more information.
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