Moving Metal
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This history represents the combined efforts of a number of people who, despite many other obligations, invested the time, energy, and patience necessary to help tell and preserve the Reliance story. Bob Balez, Joe Crider, Dave Hannah, Doug Hayes, Bob Henigson, Jim Hoffman, Mike Hubbart, Mark Kaminski, Steve Koch, Karla Lewis, Jim MacBeth, Neil McCaffery, Gregg Mollins, Bill Rumer, Kay Rustand, Bill Sales, Yvette Schiotis, Andrew Sharkey, Carolyn Sievers, and Les Waite shared recollec- tions and insights gained over their many years of experiencewith Reliance. Jean Do and Brenda Miyamoto served as project points of contact and answered numerous reference questions with patience and perseverance from beginning to end. Tom Gimbel generously contributed a large col- lection of his father’s personal papers and historic photographs, which proved to be invaluable in reconstructing the Reliance story. At History Associates Incorporated, James P. Rife researched the story and drafted the manuscript. Kim Silvi provided an early draft of chapter four, and Sara Seltzer and Gabriele Carey performed supplemental research in Califor- nia. Vanessa Lide painstakingly proofed the copy. Kenneth Durr provided valuable management support, editing, and guidance during the project.
Photographic Credits Library of Congress, 8, 9, 132 Thomas Gimbel, 10, 11, 19, 20, 26, 28, 33, 43, 65, 77 (right), 161 Robert Henigson Family, 29, 91, 93 William Rumer, 35, 47, 93 Cleveland Public Library, 41 Metal Center News , 61 (top), 121 Dreamstime, 74, 110, 115 James P. Rife, 129 U.S. Navy, 142 All other photographs courtesy of Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. and its subsidiaries.
Research and Writing James P. Rife, History Associates Incorporated, Rockville, MD
Design River Rock Creative, Bethesda, MD
Printing McArdle Solutions, Upper Marlboro, MD
©Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co., 2014
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