Moving Metal
Reliance Corporate Officers in 2013. Standing (left to right): Brenda Miyamoto, Sheldon Tenenbaum, Karla Lewis, John Shatkus, Steve Koch, Bill Sales, Sue Borchers, Gregg Mollins, and Kay Rustand. Sitting (left to right): Donna Newton, Don Prebola, Jim Hoffman, Silva Yeghyayan, and Dave Hannah. Not pictured: Will Smith
Reliance serving five to six percent of the market at the most. “We’re going to continue to keep our eyes open for acquisi- tions that increase our diversification in products, end markets, and geography,” Hannah insisted, but he planned to continue “doing it the right way,” with honesty, integrity, and humility— hallmarks of the company culture from the day that Tom Neilan set up shop in Vernon, all the way to the celebration of Reli- ance’s 75 th anniversary in the metals service center industry.
larger than before. Along with the growth of recent years has come a new generation of leaders expertly guiding their own parts of the Reliance family for the good of the whole. In the years to come, as Reliance prepares to turn that next corner, there can be no doubt that it will be blessed with an abundance of talent. If history is any guide, succeeding generations will stick to the growth-by-acquisition strategy. As late as 2014, the metals service center industry remained highly fragmented, with
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