2015 Q3 LIFE@reliance Newsletter

Celebrations in Our Family of Companies We may have wrapped up Reliance’s 75th anniversary earlier this year, but the celebrations continue within our Family of Companies! We’re extremely proud of Chatham Steel Corporation and Diamond Manufacturing Company, which both celebrated their centennials this year. Further, one of our more recent acquisitions, Haskins Steel Company (a subsidiary of American Metals Corporation) just celebrated its 60th anniversary. The pictures below show highlights from the events; visit RELIANCEroots for the full story and more pictures. Congratulations! Reliance salutes your history, your hard work, and all of your achievements! Across the country we are celebrating our companies.

Diamond Manufacturing Company Centennial Celebration

Haskins Steel Company 60 th Anniversary Celebration

Chatham Steel Corporation Centennial Celebration

Employee Kelmer Durden and Chatham President Jerry Rooney with spouses Ellen and Mary.

Diamond’s 100 year banner

Haskins’ anniversary banner

The Founding Family: Zelda Tenenbaum (Sheldon’s wife), Bert Tenenbaum, Sheldon Tenenbaum, Marsh Kessler (their sister) and her daughter, Gena Hindman

Gary Kaprowski, Phil Rempe, Nick Cirelli, Mark Pachamovitch, Dan Miller & Russell Winsoc

Haskins General Manager, Craig Dias, greets attendees

Mike Young, COO of Chatham, and Steve Koch, Reliance Senior Vice President, Operations

President David Simpson and former President Hal Flack address the attendees

Nicole Heater, President of American Metals Corporation, joins in on lunch

Meet Mike Shanley - Our Newest SVP of Operations It’s not certain whether his father’s career in the foundry business

Vice President and General Manager of one of Liebovich Bros.’ divisions, Hagerty Steel & Aluminum. Having served four years in that position, he was then elevated to the presidency of Liebovich in 2009. Beginning in April 2015, Mike took on the role of one of Reliance’s Senior Vice President of Operations. He is responsible for overseeing the operations of a number of Reliance subsidiaries and divisions. As Mike continues his career in metals, his experience of having worked for and with some of the best people in the industry will be one of his most valuable resources, one he seeks to constantly renew and also draw from to share with others. Mike will continue to work out of Rockford, in his home state of Illinois.

influenced Mike Shanley’s start in the metals industry, or whether it was just a matter of chance and timing. After landing a temporary plant position at Liebovich Bros., Inc. in Rockford,

Illinois, though, he didn’t look back and he didn’t leave. A rarity even in an industry of many “old timers,” Mike Shanley has spent his entire career at Liebovich – actively participating in and even shepherding the company’s growth; in many ways, he himself grew up with the company. After working his way up the company ranks and gaining invaluable experience along the way, Mike became


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