2017 Q2 LIFE@reliance Newsletter
Wellness Stories
was a fair and friendly competition for all employees. I needed a push to try and lose some weight. You have to make up your own mind to try.” Lee is continuing to try to lose more weight, and he would participate again if the challenge is offered. Other employees spoke about their experience: Stainless Steel Product Manager, Rob Jaskula, said, “Having the Challenge made me more aware of my eating habits during the holidays.” Debbie Malpede, Shipping/Receiving, who has been with Clayton for over 25 years, stated, “I find that as I am getting older, it is harder to lose weight. That’s why this challenge is good for everyone who wants to stay on track.” She added, “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. You can’t finish if you don’t start.” Outside Salesman, Mike Lipinski, participated in the challenge because he realized how easy it is to gain unexpected weight during the holidays and thought it would be a good way to maintain. He ended up losing a few pounds! He said he would recommend the challenge and plans on participating again. As HR Manager, I am always looking to keep our employees engaged and earn their Wellness Credits. The Maintain, Don’t Gain Challenge was a success at Clayton Metals and is a great addition to our wellness activities. I plan to continue it in future holiday seasons! over 25 years of service and a lung cancer survivor. Jim was declared cancer-free and officially in remission in December 2016. His wife and children participated in the climb in his honor. For most climbers, the reaction once reaching the top was “That it was harder than I expected it to be.” Casey Piper, Outside Sales, said that he “enjoyed the camaraderie and team spirit.” Brian Mostyn, Safety Analyst, added, “As challenging as it was, participating in Hustle Up The Hancock was an unforgettable experience. The Hustle is a wonderful fundraiser for lung disease research, which has either
Maintain, Don’t Gain Challenge From Cathi Mansbridge, HR Manager at Clayton Metals: Let’s face it: dieting is hard enough most days of the year. But coping with stress and the holidays makes it especially difficult to avoid unwanted pounds. I wanted to bring back Reliance’s Maintain, Don’t Gain Challenge from 2014! The seven-week weight management challenge was designed to encourage healthy choices and physical activity during the holiday season. The goal was to maintain weight within two pounds of the initial weigh-in. In previous years, Clayton Metals did the Biggest Loser contest, but we switched it up to the Maintain, Don’t Gain Challenge , to give all employees the opportunity to participate. Twenty employees signed up and an initial weigh-in and weigh-out were mandatory. With a scale in the Human Resources office, participants could weigh in any time to see how they were doing. HR also maintained a chart for participants to see how they were progressing. Seventeen of the 20 completed the challenge, losing 35.2 pounds total! Truck driver, Tom Guindon, and Traffic Manager, Lee Lasky, tied for first place. Both were given four hours to add to their vacation accrual. Tom said, “The challenge
Northern Illinois Steel Steps Up! From Katie Worek, Controller at Northern Illinois Steel: NIS put together a team to participate in the Hustle Up the Hancock Stair Climb on February 26, 2017, for the Respiratory Health Association. Our nine-member team, the “NI Steel Beam Climbers,” all completed the 94-story climb. It was a great day for a great cause! This was our first time as a group doing this event for the Respiratory Health Association. Our President, Mike Ruth, got involved in the event a few years ago after his mother passed away from lung cancer. He mentioned that it would be a great team activity for the company. Our inspiration and motivation for the event were Mike Ruth’s mother and Jim Norman, an NIS employee with
directly or indirectly impacted each member of our team. Struggling up those stairs together was an amazing teambuilding experience, and we all felt a little closer on that 94th floor.” We’re already working on getting a bigger group to participate in next year’s climb!
Have a Wellness or Community story? Email CorpComm@ rsac.com to let us know and be featured in a future newsletter!
ISSUE 9 | May 2017 5
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