2019 Q1 LIFE@reliance Newsletter
Durrett Sheppard: Thanksgiving Food Drive
‘Tis the Season for Giving… Toys!
During the month of October, the Accounting Department at Durrett Sheppard Steel hosted a Thanksgiving Food Drive at their office, benefiting the Salvation Army. Many employees donated, some on a weekly basis. They placed boxes and donation cans throughout the office and lunch rooms, which provided several Thanksgiving meal kits and many gift certificates. The idea came about by employee JoAnne Geiger, who is passionate about the Salvation Army’s various community programs. “I have worked with the Salvation Army for over 20 years with programs like the Thanksgiving Food Drive, Stuff-A-Stocking, Dress-A-Bear and Angel Tree. When my children were young, I used the Salvation Army programs as a way to teach them to be thankful and to give,” said JoAnne.
As Judy Blaine from Diamond Manufacturing Co. states, “Christmas is for children. Every child should have presents to open on Christmas morning” and in that spirit, Chapel Steel in Spring House as well as Pottstown, Diamond Manufacturing Co., Yarde Metals, and Reliance Corporate Los Angeles all participated in Toy Drives to bring smiles to children during the holiday season. Below are some photo highlights from the Toy Drives that took place from November 19 to December 21.
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Phoenix Metals: “Slumber Up”
Phoenix Metals is very proud of the effort that their Nashville location employees made to help the ShowerUp charity with their recent sleeping bag drive. When Phoenix Metals employee Jessica White learned of the Sleeping Bag Drive that ShowerUp was conducting, she decided to see how many sleeping bags their office could collect. They surpassed their goal of collecting 20 sleeping bags and collected a total of 30!
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Read the full story on RELIANCEroots! Go to the Employee News page under “News and Events.”
2018 SOSC Fall Games Reliance employees were among more than 1,600 volunteers who gave their time and energy at the 2018 Special Olympics Southern California Fall Games that took place on November 10 and 11, 2018. 1,000 athletes were able to compete and experience success, acceptance, and joy. Reliance was once again a Co-Presenting Sponsor and employees from Corporate, Reliance Technology Solutions (RTS), and our SoCal Family of Companies (FOCs) – AMI Metals, EMJ, CCC Steel, and Reliance Steel Company – volunteered at the softball and volleyball competitions and at the Reliance activity booth where there was table top corn hole and tic- tac-toe for athletes and their coaches to play in between competitions.
3 1. Employees at Chapel Steel, Spring House 2. Employees at Chapel Steel, Pottstown 3. Toy Drive at Reliance Corporate Los Angeles 4. Lori Bernabucci from Yarde Metals playing “Elf on the Shelf” 5. Toys collected at Diamond Manufacturing Co. 4 5
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ISSUE 16 | JANUARY 2019 7
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