
Reliance Rewards Benefits Eligibility

2024 Monthly Employee Contributions

ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES You are eligible to participate in the Reliance Rewards benefits plans if you are an active, full-time employee regularly scheduled to work 30 or more hours per week. If you are a member of a union, please refer to your Collective Bargaining Agreement or ask your local HR representative about benefits eligibility. ELIGIBLE DEPENDENTS Eligible dependents include your spouse, domestic or civil union partner, natural children, stepchildren or legally adopted children, children for whom you are the legal guardian, or children of your domestic or civil union partner. See the dependent verification required documentation section on page 20.

The table below shows your 2024 Medical, Dental, and Vision monthly contributions, which depend on the plan you choose and the number of dependents you cover. We encourage you to do your part to moderate plan costs, and future cost increases, by participating in wellness@reliance and using in-network providers. Actual paycheck deductions for your elected benefits and coverage tiers are based on your payroll frequency. Contributions for medical, dental, and vision plans are deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis, resulting in tax savings for you.



IS YOUR SPOUSE OR CHILD ALSO AN ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE? Your spouse or child may not be covered as both a Dependent and an Employee.










Employee & Spouse





Electing Your Benefits New employees must enroll themselves and their eligible dependents in Reliance Rewards within the first 30 days of their hire date. Once enrolled, benefits will be effective on the 61st day after hire, unless otherwise specified in a collective bargaining agreement. All employees must make separate elections to enroll or waive participation in Medical, Dental, Vision, and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA). Your contributions for these benefits are deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis. Reliance Rewards provides basic insurance coverage for Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D), Short-Term Disability (STD), and Long-Term Disability (LTD), as well as access to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at no cost to employees. You can purchase supplemental Employee Life, Dependent Life, and AD&D, Supplemental Employee STD and LTD. Enrollment is required for the supplemental coverages.

Employee & Child(ren)





Employee & Family





Working Spouse Provision (Additional)*



*See page 20 for the reference as to whether this additional cost applies

WHEN DO I ENROLL? You must enroll within the first 30 days of your date of hire or Qualifying Life Event. Otherwise, you must wait until the next Annual Enrollment.


Maintaining a positive culture of health and wellbeing is important to us – it’s who we are! That’s why we proudly sponsor our corporate wellness program, wellness@reliance. A variety

of wellness activities, programs, and resources are offered through wellness@reliance to support the health of our employees and their families. Your commitment to your and your family’s health, combined with your medical plan coverage decisions are all inter-related and part of our overall benefits program. Healthy living makes everyday life more enjoyable whether you’re at work, at home, on the road, or anywhere in between. wellness@reliance is a voluntary program, and participation is not required to receive any other benefits offered by Reliance. When you take advantage of wellness@reliance, you are investing in your personal health and wellbeing, while also positively impacting our ongoing culture of overall wellness. We want to reward you for doing this! That’s why we offer a Wellness Bonus for employees and spouses/domestic partners enrolled in a Reliance Rewards medical plan who participate in and achieve certain quarterly wellness@reliance goals. Reliance partnered with WebMD, an independent wellbeing company, to offer a practical and engaging wellness program and to provide administration and program support for wellness@reliance. This partnership allows you to access mobile and online tools to support you and your unique wellbeing journey. See the “Access Your Wellness Account” section (page 5) for information on how to login or create your account via app or online.

Enrolling in Reliance Rewards

BEFORE ENROLLING Review this Benefits Guide to learn about the benefits available under Reliance Rewards. We recommend you log in to www.benefitenroll.com, download, print, and complete your personalized Enrollment Worksheet. If you are making changes to your dependents’ benefits or other information, gather all necessary legal names, birth dates, and Social Security numbers.


GO ONLINE to www.benefitenroll.com and log in: User ID: First initial, full last name, and the last 4 digits of your SSN (e.g., jdoe1234) Temporary Password: Last 4 digits of your SSN (e.g., 1234)

CALL the Reliance Rewards Call Center 855-RRR-WARD (855-777-9273) Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET



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